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04/11/2024 - Meeting Minutes
The meeting opened at 12:05 as Aimee McNeil welcomed Chamber Members. Thanks to Stonefire Pizzeria for hosting the meeting.
Business Reviews:
Alpine Cleaning and Restoration (Wayne Moore) - Warming up - be careful as you reconnect your hoses. They can do a free evaluation to make sure you are good to go.
Smithfield Lions Club (Deon Hunsaker)- Spaghetti Dinner is tonight; tickets available at the door. Baseball season is almost here - support the Blue Sox and concessions benefit the team and the community. Always looking for new members.
Birch Creek Elementary (Trudy Wilson) - Busy busy busy! Pushing hard for Kindergarten Registration so they can get a good count. Working with Richard Varela and Forrester Acres for their Bulldog Mile.
Stonefire Pizzeria (Lindsay and Andrew Hansen) - Thank you for your business. They are sponsoring a family a week for meals; check their social media to nominate a family.
Summit Elementary (Aimee McNeil) - Busy time getting ready for end of year testing and hiring for next year. Excited for the golf tournament in a few weeks. So grateful for support from the Chamber and community.
Easy Breezy Pros (Matt Veil) - Spring Cleaning time and offering deals. Get your dryer vents cleaned for 50% off. If you know of anyone who might need a little extra help, call Matt directly. Please take a flier and pass them on.
Toby’s Home Repair (Toby Wilgeroth) - New to the area and working to learn more about the community.
Cache Valley Light and Sound, Elevate Pest Control (Paul Jenkins)- Works to help support youth and promote awareness about Suicide Awareness and Prevention. Has a lot of ideas and goals to get the word out to help. Also does weddings and other events for DJ. Also provides lawn care.
Cache County School District (Todd McKee, Scott Rigby) - Appreciates the opportunity to be there. Values collaboration with the community. Loves living in Smithfield and the community. Thank you for the Chambers efforts for supporting the schools in our area.
Zions Bank (Teresa Gwilliam) - 1.5% discount on rate for SBA loans. Also giving $500 cash back with a $5000 spend on your business account. Also they Pay for A’s so bring your kids in.
Cache Valley Bank (Danny Hansen, Zane Johnson) - Tail end of tax season so busy with statements. Currently have a 9 month CD at 5% with no withdrawal penalties.
Whole Body Health Care (Zach Manwaring)- Warm weather is here so be careful with gardening, running and outdoor work. Looking to hire someone to help at his office.
Farmers Insurance (Wayne Elwood) - Insurance rates are starting to go down at Farmers so give them a call if you are ready for a change.
Antics Comedy Improv (Karl Calderwood) - They do Friday night comedy improv shows - it’s family friendly and a good time. They also do private events.
USU Credit Union (Trevor Larson) - Still have their promotion for a new credit card - they put $150 in a gold account with a 6% interest rate. Auto rates are starting to come down so let them know if you need a loan or want to refinance.
Family Place (Zoe Erickson) - April is Family Strengthening Month. They have a Steppin Up for Kids event on April 24th. They will display children’s shoes to represent substantiated cases of child abuse.
Host Huski (Andrew Davis) - Provide website assistance - design, speed, improvement and hosting. They do business emails and help your business online. They offer domain registration.
Kim and Jim Tippetts - Leaving for Africa on a mission but are coming back from their MTC training to cook for the pancake breakfast.
President Elect Darryl Simmons - Retired but still love to be involved with the Chamber.
Sky View High School (Shane Jones) - Thank you for the support! Busy with end of year and support for sports teams.
Smithfield City (Mayor Kris Monson)- Thank you to the Chamber for the Easter Egg Hunt. Great event for the community.
Other Notes
- Easter Egg Hunt - Thank you to everyone who participated!
- Scholarship Applications are open now. The deadline is Tuesday, April 30th.
- Golf Tournament - Wednesday, May 8th. Schedule - Check in at 7:30 am, Breakfast at 8 am, Shotgun start at 9 am. Hole Sponsors should be at their holes by 8:45 am. We still have hole sponsorships and team spots available.
- The Tri-School Golf Tournament is May 8th. Let us know if you want a golf team or a hole sponsorship ASAP.
- Pancake Breakfast - Saturday, May 11th. We will set up on the south side of the Youth Center (west of the library). We need all the help we can get - 10-12 people for set up, cooking and cleanup. Breakfast will be served from 8-9:30 and will not conflict with the race this year. We will send out signage that you can send to clients and customers. Proceeds from this go towards our scholarship program.
Calendar Items for 2024:
- May 8th - Tri School Golf Tournament
- May 11th - Health Days Pancake Breakfast
- December 7th - Night of Giving
Next Meeting - May 2nd, place TBD.