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10/05/2023 - Meeting Minutes
The meeting opened at 12:05 pm as Bill Petersen welcomed Chamber Members. Thanks to Alpine Cleaning and Restoration for hosting the meeting!
Tim Smith along with Kathy Christiansen from the School Board and Scott Rigby - Director of Finance - from Cache County School District gave a short presentation about the upcoming bond. Bond money will go towards building three new schools (two middle schools and an elementary school), converting a middle school to an elementary school and security upgrades. See http://www.ccsdut.org/2023bond for more information. This bond will not increase property tax rates for residents and will help manage growth that has already occurred. There will be a meeting at Sunrise Elementary on Friday, November 3rd at 3 pm if anyone is interested in hearing more information about the bond.
Business Reviews:
McDonalds (Bill Petersen) - McTeacher Night season is here! They offer fundraisers for schools to help them raise money. McRib is coming back!
Alpine Cleaning and Restoration (Wayne Moo re) - Welcome to our facility here today. Cleanup on fire, water, wind, mold and sewer issues. Be sure to winterize your sprinkler systems properly! If not, call them for help cleaning up the mess.
Stapley Accounting (Terri Stapley) - Have expanded their services to advisory services to help you plan with your businesses and taxes. Give them a call.
United Way (Jimmy Birman) - Local non-profit to unite the caring power of Cache Valley to better lives. They work on suicide prevention, non-profit capacity building and volunteerism. They work with alot of non-profits as well. They recently helped with Ignite the Light event at the Cache County Fairgrounds to help with suicide awareness and prevention. Thanks for a lot of community support.
Cache Valley Light and Sound (Paul Jenkins) - Loves volunteering in the community to help with events that help support local community events. He also does commercial events, weddings and other events.
Discovery Area Guides (Jack Johnson) - Getting ready to finish their second book for the Hyde Park to Utah/Idaho line. Will be distributing these booklets soon.
USU Credit Union (Trevor Larson) - Working to make financial education for students and adults to help people learn more about the basics of finances. Can offer to businesses as well for employees. Interest rates for CDs are high now - a 7 month CD is right above 5% and they offer several other flexible CD options as well.
Smithfield Lions (Deon Hunsaker) - They are selling poker chips to raise money for different organizations. They sell for $25 each. There is a blood drive on Monday, October 9th with a few slots open still. They are hosting the Lions District Convention on October 20-21. If you would like to donate any swag or raffle prizes, please let him know. Working on Night of Giving right now. Always looking for new members.
Smithfield City Council (Deon Hunsaker)- Naming a new city manager in the next few weeks. Bridge on Main Street by the library is being replaced so be careful in the area.
Smithfield Recreation (Richard Varela) - Trick or Treat Street is October 20th at Forrester Acres. Will be bigger and better than last year and will be including a pumpkin drop from the fire department and dance performances by Serendipity Dance. They still have two doors left if anyone is interested (one-time fee of $50 and then you have it forever - you just need to bring candy to give out). Turkey Trot is November 18th - if you want to add any swag for the race bags let Richard know. They expect 500 runners.
Whole Body Health (Zach Manwaring) - Acupuncture, rehab, PT, ultrasounds and chiropractic adjustments. They also do regenerative medicine as well and are constantly looking for ways to help people stay healthy and avoid medication and/or surgery until necessary.
Farmers Insurance (Wayne Elwood, Payden Knudsen) - They can help with all your insurance needs. Life insurance is their focus now; they offer great affordable options for kids with no health exam that can be transferred to adult policies as well.
Sunrise Elementary (Shelly Healy) - Sunrise has a dual language immersion program that offers Portuguese. They are moving into Parent/Teacher conferences this week. They love the chance to build community with parents.
Easy Breezy Pros (Matt Veil) - Doing a lot of air duct cleaning and moving into more commercial work to help keep your employees healthy.
HostHuski (Andrew Davis) - Does tech support, website issues and automation. They can save you money and help you with your online business.
Other Items
- Night of Giving is coming! A few details:
- Angel Trees will be up at Stonefire Pizzeria and Smithfield Rec Center November 1st.
- Our theme this year is Christmas Wishes
- Tickets are $40 a person. Sponsorships for tables of 8 are as follows (if you need more seats you can add seats for $40 a ticket):
- $500 - 8 Tickets, 8 Golden Ticket Vouchers, 40 Raffle Tickets
- $750 - 8 Tickets, 16 Golden Ticket Vouchers, 80 Raffle Tickets
- $1000 - 8 Tickets, 32 Golden Ticket Vouchers, 160 Raffle Tickets
- Angel Trees will be up at Stonefire Pizzeria and Smithfield Rec Center November 1st.
- Newsletter - Deadline is October 15th. $100 per ad includes a printed ad on the newsletter that goes on the city bill and we post your ad on social media sites.
Calendar Items for 2023:
- October 20th - Trick or Treat Street
- December 2nd - Night of Giving
Next Meeting - Thursday, November 2nd at Noon. Place TBD.