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12/07/2023 - Meeting Minutes
Agenda Notes
The meeting opened at 12:22 as Bill Peterson welcomed Chamber Members. Thanks to Birch Creek Golf Course for hosting the December meeting. Thanks to everyone who helped so much to make the Night of Giving a success this year.
Business Reviews
There were no business reviews this month to leave more time to take care of business with the Night of Giving.
- The Cache Chamber attended the Night of Giving and was very impressed. They are reaching out again to Smithfield Chamber to join them. Points were raised that the Cache Chamber is much more expensive and is more business oriented rather than service oriented as the Smithfield Chamber places their focus. However, discussion could be had regarding mutual coordination between the Chambers and support of each other to provide additional opportunities.
- Please email Rhonda Wright with any business items to send out this month.
Night of Giving Review
Nicole Zollinger- Thanks for all the support in helping out wherever needed. In regard to the envelopes, please contact families ASAP and check for: 1)other kids, 2)verify the current/correct address, 3)verify most urgent needs. Please contact the family by Monday, December 11th at the latest. Always meet families’ needs first, then work on families’ wants. Use donations provided here from the Angel Tree to stretch your dollars. Leftover Angel Tree items will go to the Family Place or Toys for Tots.
The YSA will be wrapping and delivering gifts again this year if you wish to use them. They will need a current address and phone number to make the deliveries. If you are using the YSA’s services, gifts will need to be at the Church building directly behind the Smithfield McDonalds on 2nd North, on Monday, December 18th by 6:00. They will wrap from 6:00-7:00pm. DO NOT LEAVE RECEIPTS WITH YSA. Receipts need to be delivered to Nicole/Terri to match up funds in the envelope.
If there are any changes, please send the changes to Nicole to update with Kim so she can check with other organizations etc. Another wave of names with needs is expected. We will do what we can- let us know if you hear anything. Currently we have about 170 kids we are helping. We plan for that number to be around 200 by the time all things are said and done.
Terri Stapley presented numbers on the Night- Total Revenue for the night came in at $47,000. This is about $3000 short from last year. Credit card fees were charged to each person this year to offset that cost. When asked, we offered the explanation that we didn’t feel it was fair to withhold that money from the children who are benefitting from this event. Expenses for Lees, Supplies etcetera came in at $11,160. Donations to the children this year will be $27,000 which is $3000 more than last year in response to the increased need. Chamber administration fees were $8000, which leaves just over $800 to hold in reserve for future charity fund use. Official revenue and expenditure report on file. Those shopping for children/families- keep all receipts from what you purchase and return them to Nicole/Terri.
Thank you to Kim Tippetts who gathers names of children and families, tracks changes from year to year, follows up, and researches needs tirelessly. Thank you to Schreiber's - cheese is a hot item. Thank you to Sky View for providing the building at no charge for our event. Thank you to Firehouse and Smithfield Rec. Center for hosting Angel Trees. Please send feedback to Nicole- Thank you to everyone that participated and donated so much to help out this year. As a side note, figures from Toys for Tots have come in around 2200 kids to help, which is a higher need for them this year as well. Congratulations to Preston Watts (Josh) as Business of the Year this year. A sign will be presented and displayed at this business this year. Thanks to Lees who provides the linens, servers, etc. and gets us in and out of our event at a reasonable time.
Thank you to Bill Petersen who served for two years as Chamber President. Bill should meet with Scott to pick out his Thank You gift of Schreiber's cheese. Next year’s President will be Amie McNeil; we are excited for our collaboration with her. Mayor Kris Monson shared her thanks for the good done through the Night of Giving in the community. There is greater disparity in housing and income than ever before. The Night of Giving is very helpful for the kids and so good for the community as a whole.
No other business- Merry Christmas! The meeting was adjourned at 12:47.
Added Notes/Ideas
- Maybe have Auctioneer, Jared, remind more often the bidders are not just bidding on the value of an item- but this will really help the KIDS. The KIDS benefitting is really the ultimate point.
- Ideas to ramp up auction from CV Bank- Strategically ask new/different people to come who will buy auction items, have an interest in auction items. Businesses that attend strategically invite people to be part of their table that will bid on items so it isn’t the same people bidding every year.
- Push 2 misfit tables back farther.
- Organization of Names- send letters for names in Aug/Sept.
- Other help with set-up, ticket sales, runners for donations, etc.