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04/14/2022 - Meeting Minutes
The meeting opened at 12:15 as Bill Peterson welcomed Chamber Members. Thanks to StoneFire Pizzeria for hosting the meeting.
Business Reviews:
McDonalds (Bill Peterson) - prices and supply chain issues are still an issue. McDonalds is in a building phase.
Alpine Cleaning and Restoration (Wayne Moore) - still looking for good employees. When you turn on your faucets, check for leaks. Call them if you need help. Also turn off your water while you are on vacation.
Stone Fire Pizzeria (Kim Tippetts) - Thanks for coming - still looking for people to work.
My Utah Agents (Brooklyn Tippetts) - Spring season is busy so give her a call! Interest rates are going up; lock them in now! 435-994-2214.
Smithfield Lions (Deon Hunsaker) - Tonight is the Spaghetti Dinner - a few tickets are still available. Also looking for donations to help with their Day of Service project - building beds with the Sleep in Heavenly Peace organizations. Will also have quilting available and will be accepting eyeglasses donation. Also baseball season is coming up - thanks for your support at the concession stand. Also having a Blood Drive on May 16th. Always looking for new members as well.
Schreiber Food (Scott Nelson) - eat cheese! Has cheese sticks for Saturday’s Easter Egg Hunt.
Family Place (Scott Nelson) - Our Annual Blue Ribbon Benefit is fast-approaching, but there is still time to become a sponsor as well as donate to our community silent auction! This annual event is our largest fundraiser of the year and allows us to provide crucial services to the families of Cache, Rich, and Franklin counties, for 40 years and counting. HUGE thank you to Stonefire Pizza, as they’ve already made a donation to our auction items, but we are still accepting donations through next week, so if you are able to donate cash, gift cards, sports equipment, kitchen items, or anything else you think could be auctioned off on April 30th, please contact us and we would be happy to coordinate that donation for you. For more information and to donate contact our Advancement Director Sarina Pace at [email protected]. Also their golf tournament is July 15th.
Smithfield City (Curtis Wall) - Meeting last night - CAPSA presented on Domestic Abuse Prevention (month focus during April). Even a problem in Smithfield - at least 10 police calls a week. Keep your eyes open. Looking to hire for the Parks Department. Also will be hiring for summer jobs. Also having water discussions. Will be rationing water for public spaces as needed this summer. Working on park strips to save money as well. Drilled a new well over by Smithfield Implement that will help on the west part of town. Still new developments are happening - they also do water modeling. Temple groundbreaking is June 18th - 500 invitations will be issued for attendance. Should take 2 ½ years to complete. Looking for judges for the Ambassador Competition - contact Richard or someone with the city. Also planning for the Day of Service on April 30th - you can sign up for projects on justserve.org.
Sky View High School (Mike Monson) - Spring sports are a challenge in Northern Utah with weather. Super busy. Parent Teacher Conferences next week. Lots of activities. Hoping to be involved in Day of Service.
Summit Elementary (Aimee McNeil) - Testing starts next week. Getting ready for next year. Keeping busy. Next week is Summit’s White Ribbon Week - focusing on technology. Inviting parents on Wednesday night at 6 pm to learn about good technology practices at home, especially social media.
Birch Creek Elementary (Trudy Wilson) - Also doing White Ribbon Week next week. Will have activities and information. Gearing up for the golf tournament.
Smithfield Rec Center (Richard Varela) - Health Days is coming up - sign up for a booth or a parade spot! Schedules are available. Lots of good activities planned - family bike rides, kids mountain biking, live performances, etc. All games and activities on Saturday at Forrester Acres will be free.
Larsen’s Mercantile and Ruby’s Kitchen (Judy Larsen) - Easter dinner - help with that and baked goods. Getting busier with more traffic. Also look for all the Rec Center programs to get involved.
Preston Watts Collision and Glass (Josh Watts) - staying busy. Make sure that your vehicles are registered. Thank you for your support!
Farmers Insurance (Wayne Elwood, Austin Porter) - Austin is new to their business - happy to have him. Stop by for a quote - still offering good discounts.
Coming Up
- Easter Egg Hunt - April 16th at Mack Park. Remember - bring your own table or booth and prizes for the number of eggs you signed up to distribute. Set up is at 8 am.
- Scholarship - Application is online. Deadline is April 30th.
- Golf Tournament is on May 4th. We are sold out! 37 teams and all hole sponsors are full. Shotgun is at 9; Check in and breakfast at 8. Hole sponsors need to be at their holes by 8:45.
- Pancake Breakfast - May 14th. Proceeds used for grants and scholarships. We will be in the same location. Plan on the time being from 8:00 - 9:30 to serve food. Will need help before, during and after - at least 10-12 people from 7-8:30 and 8:30-10. Thanks to Kerry Watts for volunteering to run the money table and check people in!
- Calendar Items for 2022:
- April 16th - Easter Egg Hunt
- May 4th - Tri School Golf Tournament
- May 14th - Health Days Pancake Breakfast
- December 3rd - Night of Giving
Next Meeting - May 19th at noon. Place TBD.