11/04/2021 - Meeting Minutes


Nicole Zollinger, Rhonda Wright, Deon Hunsaker (Smithfield Lions Club and Smithfield City), Wayne Moore (Alpine Cleaning and Restoration), Maria Lopez (Family Place), Terri Stapley (Stapley Accounting), Mike Monson (Sky View High School), Trudy Wilson (Birch Creek Elementary), Aimee McNeil (Summit Elementary), Derek Beer (Sunrise Elementary), Tom Gibbons (Gibbons Accounting), Josh Watts (Preston Watts), Kevin Humphreys (Lee’s Marketplace), Judy Larsen (Larsen’s Mercantile), Katie Veil (Easy Breezy Duct Cleaning), Matt Veil (Atlas Marketing), Scott Nelson (Schreiber), Darrell Simmons (Cache Valley Bank), Wayne Elwood (Farmers Insurance), Bill Petersen (McDonalds)

Thanks to Smithfield Firehouse for hosting!

Business Introductions and Reviews

Preston Watts - Don’t crash your car! But, if you do, come see them. They are hiring experienced body work technicians. They also repair rock chips.

Larsen’s Mercantile and Ruby’s Pantry - Get your Thanksgiving orders in - they can do a full dinner or parts (rolls, pies, salads). They also have breads and cookies for gifts, plus they have Elf on the Shelf gifts as well.

Easy Breezy Duct Cleaning - if you need your air ducts or dryer vents cleaned, give them a call!

Atlas Marketing - looking to hire. If you know someone with marketing, design or social media experience, give him a call.

Stapley Accounting - thanks to Atlas for redoing their website - they have gotten new business from it and are very happy with the results. Take a look at any changes that you need to make before the end of the tax year.

Lions Club - they are hosting a blood drive on 12/20 and have been recognized from the Red Cross for their work in helping with blood drives. They are collecting bottle caps (proceeds will go towards helping kids with cancer), plastic grocery bags (to be exchanged for park benches), and eyeglasses. You can drop off at the Lions Lodge. Also they are getting their tree ready for Night of Giving and would love any donations to help flesh it out.

Smithfield City - new mayor and a new city council member will be installed after the recent election.

Gibbons Accounting - Should be no tax increases unless you make over $400,000 a year. Check with your accountant to plan any equipment purchase or acquisition before the end of the year.

Schreiber Foods - hiring - good starting pay and college tuition assistance is available. Expanding for cream cheese production. Eat more cheese!

Cache Valley Bank - still completing loan forgiveness for PPP loans. Growing - up to 24 branches and opening a branch in Preston! Thanks to the community for their support.

Farmers Insurance - super busy with insurance for all the new home loans and refinancing going on now. They have very competitive rates for homeowners and auto. Give them a call!

Lees Marketplace - preparing for the holidays - ordering stock and filling warehouses. Expect to be in good shape. Daily deals starting next week - including on turkey!

Family Place - Hiring - if you like to work with kids give them a call. Excited about their Starfish Holiday Giving Campaign, which will focus on “gifts that keep on giving”. They have a donor match that will match all donations through 12/31 up to $100,000. Contact Maria for more details. Next even is Play with the Family Place on 11/15. Check with their website for details.

McDonald’s - also hiring, especially for days! Trying to keep new hires which can be hard when people are short staffed and stressed. McRib is back! Also try their Chips Ahoy McFlurry.

Sky View High School - just finished up fall sports. Thanks to all those who support all of their activities and programs. Come see Seussical the Musical!

Sunrise Elementary - also looking to hire for reading support. Great news this year for Night of Giving help - lots of people out of work with medical issues. Thanks for all you do!

Birch Creek Elementary - Parent Teacher Conferences the week before Thanksgiving. Will be expanding their after school program to 5:30 in December.

Summit Elementary - ditto to Sunrise and Birch Creek. Also, thanks again for supporting the golf tournament- used their money to install a much-needed security system.

Alpine Cleaning and Restoration - Also hiring! We are coming into what they call Fire Season. Please be careful. Check your furnaces and space heaters. Also take your hoses off the faucets connecting to your homes. Be safe!

Smithfield Firehouse- use their coupon for 20% off family meals. You can use the paper coupon from the Chamber newsletter or show the social media post.

Chamber Update

Night of Giving - December 4th! We are going back to our traditional dinner/raffle/live auction with an added online store where people can sponsor a child, family meal or make a donation. Theme is “Let it Snow”. Schools - we need names ASAP (the earlier the better).

Angel Tree is up at the Rec Center and will be up soon at Firehouse.

Tickets are $30. Sponsorships are available - they include a reserved table of 8 (or more) as well as Raffle Tickets and Golden Ticket vouchers.

If you are interested in donating an auction item or raffle prize, let us know! Please have all donations delivered by 1 pm to be included in the program.

For those who will be shopping for families, the Smithfield YSA ward will be wrapping and delivering on Monday, Dec 20th if you would like them to help with that.

Dates to Remember in 2021

Night of Giving - December 4th

Next Meeting: December 9th at noon at Birch Creek Golf Course